Learn about Muslim narcissists, narcissism and codependency from an Islamic psychological perspective and how to heal from narcissistic, cultural and spiritual and religious abuse that started in childhood

Alhamdulilah the German translation of the book is out!
Dieses Buch wird Menschen mit ausgeprägten narzisstischen Zügen außerdem als Augenöffner dienen und ihnen zeigen, welche negativen, langfristigen Auswirkungen ihr Verhalten, nicht nur auf das Leben anderer und die Gemeinschaft, sondern auch auf ihr eigenes Leben hat, wenn es nicht angesprochen wird. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass auch unsere muslimischen Häuser und Gemeinschaften geheilt und gerettet werden können, wenn Menschen sich ihren Dämonen stellen und von ihren Traumata heilen.
What is Narcissism?
Narcissism is a personality disorder that is essentially a by-product of deeply rooted issues from childhood and an over-inflated ego that pursues evil desires at the expense of one’s faith, morals and the feelings of others. For years, psychologists, sociologists and mental health experts have dived deeply into the phenomena of narcissistic behaviour, providing a great scope of knowledge from their extensive studies. Some of these observations come from a Christian perspective, but within the context of Islamic psychology, knowledge about where narcissism comes from is scarce. It is important to understand why narcissism is becoming more prevalent among Muslims, when in fact there are teachings in Islam that guide us on how to identify, avoid, deal with and overcome it.

Patriarchal societies are primarily associated with men who have narcissistic tendencies, however more and more women are displaying similar behaviours in their relationships too. If you are one of the many people who have come into contact with Muslim narcissists, you will know how difficult it is to maintain relationships with them. As a qualified British Muslim sociologist and counsellor, I often see that many men, women and children have been suffering for years as a result of other Muslims distorting the meaning of various teachings from The Qur'an and Hadiths into justifications for their religious and spiritual abuse. There are many detrimental consequences for this, the major one being the depletion of faith from the hearts of those who associate problematic attitudes and characteristics with Islamic teachings due to a lack of awareness of narcissism.

In this book, I will share with you what the Islamic faith tells us about narcissism, how people develop this disorder, how to recognize and avoid Muslim narcissists and how to help and deal with them, enabling you to move on from a toxic situation. I will give you fascinating insights as to why you attract them and how to break the cycle of being a victim, so you can attract healthy people and relationships into your lives. This book will also serve as an eye-opener for those who possess strong narcissistic traits for them to see the negative long-term impact their behaviour has not just on the lives of others and the community, but on their own lives if left unaddressed. I truly believe when people face their demons and heal from their traumas, our Muslim homes and communities will be healed and saved too.

Who the Book is For
Muslim teenagers.
Muslims who are looking for a marriage partner.
Non-Muslims considering Islam as a way of life.
New converts to Islam.
Muslims who have narcissistic parents.
Muslims who are married to narcissists and are going through religious and spiritual abuse.
Muslim parents and school teachers.
Muslims who are going through a problematic divorce procedure with a narcissistic partner.
People who want to understand an Islamic viewpoint on narcissism, identity formation and mental health issues.
Non-Muslims who have relationships with Muslim narcissists or want to learn more about Islam.
People who suffer from strong narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy.
Scholars, mental health experts, psychologists and religious leaders.
Muslims who want to heal and move on from narcissistic, religious and spiritual abuse.
Muslims in prison.

What You Will Learn
& Benefit
What narcissism, empathy and co-dependency are from an Islamic psychological understanding.
Where personality disorders and mental health issues are rooted in childhood and upbringing.
How to identify mental health issues in ourselves and others.
How to avoid marrying narcissists and toxic relationships.
How to deal with the narcissists in your life.
How to increase your faith and maintain a strong relationship with God.
How to heal from mental health traumas, hardships, experiences and abuse.
How to stop the cycle of narcissistic abuse in your families and children.
How to develop a strong moral character and identity.
How to master your desires and put your dignity and self-respect first.
How to love yourself and teach others how to treat you.
How to trust God, see the positive lessons in every experience and appreciate the spiritual gift of intuition.
About the Author
Dr. Mona Alyedreessy
Previous Publications:
British Muslim Converts: An Investigation of Conversion and De-conversion Processes to and from Islam (2016), Kingston University UK
Chapter in 'Moving in and Out of Islam' edited by Professor Karin Van Nieuwkerk (2018), University Texas Press
I am a British Saudi sociologist who obtained my doctorate degree (sociology within a religious context) in 2016 from Kingston University and before that, a full-time diploma in Qur'anic Arabic, Fiqh, Qur'an and Hadith Interpretation and Islamic Studies from Umm Al Qura University (Makkah, Saudi Arabia , 2010 - 2013). I also attended The Landmark Forum and studied NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). The subject of conversions to Islam and Muslims leaving Islam led me to understand the grand issue of narcissism in our Muslim communities and how people with narcissistic personality disorder have fuelled people's reasons for leaving the faith. Muslim narcissists have long used and taught misinterpreted Islamic texts to justify their abuse, control and manipulation of others in many areas of life, primarily in marriage. The consequences of religious, spiritual, physical, mental and emotional abuse have reached far and wide, as we can see in our high divorce rates, crimes, an increase in Muslim prisoners, more domestic violence cases and Muslim children as young as 3 with mental health problems.
Over the last 10 years I deeply studied the subject of narcissism and mental health within the context of Islamic Psychology to help troubled Muslims heal from their traumas and re-discover faith, God and His perfect wisdom behind everything we go through in life to bring us back to Him as better people. I found that most people's problems stem from a lack of knowledge about Islam, narcissism, what it means to have a good character and their rights, which is why educating people and correcting religious misunderstandings is an integral part of the counselling and coaching I offer to men, women and children.

One to One Counselling & Coaching
If you're interested in being counselled or coached by me, please drop me an email below with information about your case and what you need help with so I can assess which program is suitable for you. I highly advise that you read my book before deciding to commit to counselling sessions, as it's very likely you will find the answers you need in there inshallah. If you find that after reading it you still need help with your case then please feel free to reach out via email.
The zoom sessions can be with or without video, aren't recorded and client names and locations are never disclosed to anyone, including your family members. I am very proud to say that every client I have had over the last 10 years who has had the sincere will and intention to change has been completely transformed by session 6, as a result of a healthy change of mindset and a clear understanding of their situation, faith, mental health, relationships, traumas and why they are the way they are. I can help you set yourself free from everything that has hindered your progress from becoming the best person and Muslim you can be.

1 zoom session
This is suitable for people who are having an issue in a specific area, such as not knowing how to cope during a specific hardship or how to deal with a situation with a narcissistic partner and need some guidance, clarification and consultation.
3 zoom sessions
This package is suitable for people who need help and coaching through a specific area in life, such as coping with a hardship, meeting people online for marriage, identifying red flags after accepting a marriage proposal and knowing how best to deal with someone.
Each 1 hour session will take place once a week over a course of 3 weeks and exercises will be set in between to encourage productive progress and analysis.
6 zoom sessions
This package is suitable for people who need help and coaching through childhood traumas, narcissistic abuse in marriages and other relationships, co-dependency or narcissism issues, depression and and anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, difficulties in living as a practicing Muslim and developing a spiritual connection with God, healing from abuse and complex divorce procedures.
Each 1 hour session will take place over the course of 6 weeks and exercises will be set in between sessions to encourage productive progress and analysis.
6 zoom sessions
for teenagers
This package is suitable for teenagers who need help with depression, anxiety, traumas, school and behaviour problems and parental divorce issues. The goal behind these sessions is to help them deal with, understand and heal from their traumas and problems so they can grow up healthy, spiritual and free from codependency and narcissism.
Each 1 hour session will take place once a week over the course of 6 weeks and exercises will be set in between to encourage productive progress and analysis.

Group Coaching
What is the Group Coaching Program?
Group Coaching that implements Islamic psychology is a new and wonderful opportunity to receive coaching while learning from an expert and the successes (and challenges) of other group participants. It is a way to receive double the coaching at half the cost! Your peers give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities, and set up support structures that keep you focused and on track too. If you'd like to register for any just drop me an email. Both men and women are welcome to join.


May Allah reward you so immensely. I am so grateful to you. Of course everything happens to His divine degree but where were you my whole life?? I feel now I have truly started my healing journey. I am still in awe of Allah's timing and how I found you at the moment I needed an escape from a potentially toxic situation.

I very much enjoyed my chat with you it was very eye opening for me and you made it very comfortable. You have a very interesting perspective and a way of explaining that I can understand. I managed to see where I was going wrong and my life has changed for the better alhamdulilah!

My dear sister Mona, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for how you have helped me recover from the years of abuse I received from my ex-husband. No one has ever managed to get through to me like you have and for the first time in YEARS I no longer have nightmares! The exercises you set me and the things you have taught me have changed my life.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about the book, would like to submit feedback/a review or if you would like to book an appointment for counselling/coaching, kindly email me or fill out the form below and briefly explain what you would like help with. I will get back to you within 24 hours.